Kindness Group Challenge

Are you someone who wants to be the change you would want to see in the world but you do not know how to make that happen?

Join us for a transformational 6 week that will joyfully turn into a life long practice.

Our first session will begin October 21st 2024
This offering is hosted by Franchesca Duval.
 Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming kindness challenge: 
  • Themed Content: Each week, access materials focusing on a specific theme to support your personal and collective growth.
  • Live Support Calls: Join a live call every Monday at 4 pm PST to discuss the weekly theme, share your experiences, and offer support to fellow participants.
  • Free gift: Alchemist Life Journal: You’ll receive a journal designed to help train your mind toward gratitude and positivity.
  • Weekly Prompts and Acts of Kindness: Receive prompts that encourage you to notice the good in your life and guide you to perform a weekly random act of kindness.
  • Flexible Participation: All activities are self-paced, and live calls are recorded, allowing you to engage with the content on your own schedule.

Everything You Would Like to Know About Our Kindness Challenge In Under 4 Minutes

Themes you can expect from each week:

Week One:

Meet your Kindness Community! We will the stage for the upcoming weeks and get acquainted with your 4 minute daily journal practice as well as your weekly act of kindness. You will gain a full understanding of what this experience will be and start to get into the rhythm of retraining your mind to look for the good in life around you. 

Week Two:

Finding forgiveness for ourselves and others. This week you will be invited to heal connections in our present and our past if appropriate. This will be done in a safe personal container and you do not need to actually reach out to these connections. It is a really healing week on all fronts! 

Week Three:

Turning Kindness back on ourselves. This week is especially useful for those of us who have a hard time filling our own cup because we have always been focused on making space for others. We are reminded this week that we can still be kind to others while being kind to ourselves. 

Week Four:

This week is all about finding our natural bravery and using our kind voices for good. You will be given guided meditations and visualizations for healing the parts of yourself that may be holding you back from feeling like you can offer acts of kindness. Parts that may be shy, shut down or holding yourself back. We will be kind to these parts of ourselves 

Week Five:

Moving from simply practicing acts of kindness to realizing that we can embody kindness itself. We can flex this kindness muscle and go a step further to have kindness be our resting state that we just embody naturally.

Week Six:

Wrapping up our live container and resting in gratitude as we move into Thanksgiving week. We will take stock of the previous 5 weeks and set some goals for ourselves as to what is next in our journey as we continue to be positive agents of change in this world through acts of kindness.
This art of retraining our minds towards gratitude and kindness is a lifelong beautiful journey. This group program will continue to be here to hold space for you as the years go on. You are welcome to come back and deepen any and all aspects of this kindness journey.
This group size is limited each session so if this journey is speaking to you – join us!
We are currently accepting a waiting list, our doors for enrollment will begin Tuesday October 8th and our first session will begin the week of October 21st
 Opt in below to be on our waiting list and be the first to know when doors open for our limited enrollment in this transformational journey. 
We are firm believers in giving experiences over objects for the holidays. This group program is a fantastic gift and a beautiful journey to go on with friends or as a whole family. If you are interested in giving this experience to a friend or family member for the holidays, when doors open for enrollment October 8th 2024 we will have a digital gifting option for you.

$249 grants you access to this live, and lifetime access to the recorded materials.

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